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Present Simple

The present simple tense uses the base form of the verb (except for the verb be). In singular, with the third person (she/he/it), we add an –s.
I like dark chocolate, but my friend likes milk chocolate.

We use the present simple:

  • 1️⃣ to talk about something that is true in the present,

It’s  Friday.

I love you.

  • 2️⃣to talk about general facts that are always true and permanent (or we think that they are),

Two times two is four. (general fact)

Mount Everest is the highest mountain. (general fact)

Taylor Swift is the Queen of Pop. (opinion)

  • 3️⃣to talk about regular or habitual events,

When I wake up, I brush my teeth. (habitual)

When I wake up, birds sing and the sun shines through my bedroom window. (regular)

Do you smoke? I don’t smoke anymore. (habitual)

  • 4️⃣to talk about a timetable or a fixed plan,

My school starts at 9 am.

The train leaves at 8.20 am.

  • 5️⃣to give instructions or directions,

Please finish this task and help Peter. (instructions)

Take the first left, then walk across the bridge. (directions)

  • 6️⃣in the first and the zero conditionals.

(If/When) you come, we will play together.

(If/When) you touch snow, it melts.

 SubjectAuxiliary verb Main verb 
+I, you, we, they  likechocolate.
He, she, it  likeschocolate.
I, you, we, theydonotlikechocolate.
He, she, itdoesnotlikechocolate.
?DoI, you, we, they likechocolate?
Doeshe, she, it likechocolate?

Present simple positive

‘be’ is different from the other verbs in the present simple tense.
PositivePositive Short FormNegativeNegative short form
I amI‘mI am notI‘m not
you areyou‘reyou are notyou aren’t
he ishe‘she is nothe isn’t
she isshe‘sshe is notshe isn’t
it isit‘sit is notit isn’t
we arewe‘rewe are notwe aren’t
they arethey‘rethey are notthey aren’t

All other present simple verbs

Make the present simple by using the verb, with an extra ‘s’ if the subject is ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘it’.There are also a few verbs that are irregular in the present simple. In the third person ‘have’ becomes ‘has’, ‘do’ becomes ‘does’ and ‘go’ becomes ‘goes.


(he/she/it – add an extra ‘s’)

Positive Short Form





(You only add ‘not’)

Negative short form


(Use don’t or doesn’t)

I like / I goI do not goI don’t go
you like / you goyou do not goyou don’t go
he likes / he goeshe does not gohe doesn’t go
she likes / she goesshe does not goshe doesn’t go
it likes / it goesit does not goit doesn’t go
we like / we gowe do not gowe don’t go
they like / they gothey do not gothey don’t go

Present simple negative 

To create a present simple negative form of a verb, simply add ‘not’.

I do not like this.

You do not like this.

We do not like this.

He does not like this.

She does not like this.

The short form

Simply use don’t’ instead of ‘do not’ and doesn’t’ instead of ‘does not’.

I don’t know.

You don’t know.

They don’t know.

He doesn’t know.

She doesn’t know.

Present simple questions

Yes / No Questions
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are they?
You can use do and does to make questions with the present simple. ‘Does’ is used for the third person singular (she/he/it) and ‘do’ for the others.

Do I like parties?

Do you like ice cream?

Do they know where to go?

Does he live far away?

Does she need our help?

‘Do’ and ‘does’ can also be used with question words like ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘why’, ‘who’ and ‘how.

Where do I live?

What time do you want me to be there?

When does she need to be back home?

Why do they travel by bus?

Who does she want to see?

How much does the ticket cost?

You don’t always need to use ‘do’ or ‘does’ in questions beginning with ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘why’, ‘who’ and ‘how’.

Who lives in Birmingham?

Who plays tennis every week?

Who is ready?

Where is your house?

What time is the party?

When is the next bank holiday?

Why is the window open?

How many people are there?https://youtu.be/cYuaQTUEoDo